Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Last day at the clinic #3

Boy I do go on & on, hope you are not bored.

A final cold shower and it was time for bed. I was sad to leave Haiti and the children with so much left undone but eager to see my family. I pray for the team that is staying, that they will have a safe and productive week and that God guides them to serve in the best way they can.

Dear God,

Thank you for the therapists, I know I should be calling them aides because they do not have a college degree or a license but they truly are therapists in spirit and in their skillful handling of the patients. Bless Isenanie, Eunice, Nachela, and Anscy in their work and bless the children who come to the clinic. Please, Lord, find a way to allow more parents to bring their children to the center, I am sure the need is overwhelming. We prayed for the van that transported us everywhere so I think You will understand if I pray for a van with a lift and a wheelchair that will work and the money for a driver to pick these kids up and bring them to,the center. With You, Lord, I know all things are possible. May the practice of all kinds of therapy continue to grow,throughout Haiti so,that all the children who,need these services may receive them. InJesus' name we pray, amen.

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